아동학대 없는 영유아 보육·교육기관 지원사업 도입 방안 연구

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아동학대 없는 영유아 보육·교육기관 지원사업 도입 방안 연구
Alternative Title
Plan to Introduce Support Programs for Infants and Young Children Educational Institutions Without Child Abuse
Childcare CenterKidergartenChild AbuseSupport Programs
Issued Date
□ 본 연구는 어린이집·유치원 내에서의 아동학대 원인 및 현황 등을 살펴보고, 「아동학대 없는 영유아 보육·교육기관」 지원 시범사업의 현장적용성 및 정책화로의 타당성을 검토하고자 함.
This study examines the cause and the current status of child abuse within childcare centers and kindergartens, examines the feasibility of applying and making into policies for pilot projects for childcare and educational institutions without child abuse. This study presents ways to prevent and eradicate child abuse in order to restore trust in the community, to raise awareness of child rights and to increase the perception on child abuse.
For the research method, this study collected and examined relevant laws and systems, precedent studies, case studies of the Supreme Court of child abuse in childcare centers and kindergartens, relevant systems and guidelines such as preventions, measures, case managements and follow-ups on child abuse, the operation and the participation of child abuse prevention education, and the contents of education conducted by the Central Support Center For Childcare and the Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education. In addition, the study extracted data and analyzed the trend of child abuse in childcare centers and kindergartens for the past five years from 2014 to 2018, which was accumulated and managed by the central child protection agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Welfare. A council was formed to promote a pilot project to support childcare and educational institutions without child abuse, and a program was developed to operate a pilot project supporting childcare and educational institutions without child abuse, and the pilot project was operated from August to September 2019. Online surveys were conducted on child abuse and rights protection with childcare centers and kindergarten teachers.
Based on the results of this study, recommendations are as follows.
First, we recommend shifting the perspective to an education that can increase the sensitivity of human rights towards not only children but also teachers rather than focusing on child abuse prevention education that can perceive childcare centers and kindergartens as potential child abusers. Second, since most of the contents of child abuse education consist of guaranteeing children's rights through the child abuse handling process, we recommend promoting the education in terms of the child rights protection rather than child abuse. Third, more than 80% of child abuse cases occur at home, and cases where abusers are parents exceed over 90%. Therefore, parents themselves are also encouraged to raise their awareness of child rights and furthermore, to raise awareness of rights of childcare staffs who care for children. Fourth, we recommend supplying self-inspection checklists for child rights protection and abuse prevention and systemizing to be operated in the form of self-inspection. Fifth, we recommend strengthening the guidance on how to report child abuse and applying to watch CCTV and its procedure. Sixth, we recommend restoring parents' confidence in childcare centers by increasing the openness of the childcare centers and increasing the opportunity for parents to participate in the operation of childcare centers. Seventh, we recommend expanding and operating nationwide pilot programs on childcare centers without child abuse, since the program developed in this study is a participatory program that can be distributed to childcare centers through the training of representative teachers. In addition, the Central Support Center for Childcare should train human rights education specialists for children and dispatch them to parent educations held in childcare centers. Eighth, the child abuse intervention system is not easy to adjust because it has a legal basis in the Child Welfare Act. As a measure to improve within the current intervention system, additional specialists for childcare centers should be assigned to childcare institutions, or children and early childhood education specialists should be assigned mandatorily to the Mediation Committee and make them participate in child abuse incidents occurring in childcare centers and kindergartens.
Table Of Contents
요약 1

Ⅰ. 서론 11

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 13

2. 연구내용 14

3. 연구방법 15

4. 연구범위 및 한계 21

Ⅱ. 연구의 배경 23

1. 아동학대 정의 및 유형 25

2. 관련 법 및 제도 27

3. 아동학대 예방?조치?사례관리 32

4. 아동학대 관련 연구 분석 38

Ⅲ. 아동학대 현황 및 예방교육 실적 49

1. 아동학대 발생 현황 51

2. 어린이집?유치원 대상 아동학대 예방교육 현황 68

Ⅳ. 영유아 보육?교육기관 아동학대 및 권리 보장에 대한 인식과관련 의견 95

1. 아동학대 원인과 예방 97

2. 아동학대 관련 교육 111

3. 아동학대 예방 관련 정책 119

4. 시사점 138

Ⅴ. 「아동학대 없는 어린이집」 지원 시범사업 프로그램 개발 및 운영 143

1. 개요 145

2. 사업 내용 147

3. 시범사업 성과 153

Ⅵ. 정책 제언 157

1. 아동 및 부모, 교사 인권 감수성 강화 159

2. 기관-부모 간 신뢰 회복 161

3. ‘아동학대 없는 어린이집 지원사업’ 확대 162

4. 영유아 보육?교육기관 아동학대 개입체계 개편 162

5. 맺는 말 163

참고문헌 165

Abstract 173

부록 177

부록 1. 부록 표 177

부록 2. 조사표 180

부록 3. 「아동학대 없는 어린이집」 지원사업 교육자료 186
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연구보고서 > 1. 기본연구보고서
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