KICCE 육아물가지수 연구(Ⅱ)

DC Field Value Language 박진아 - 김영민 - 최지혜 - 2020-05-11T00:54:39Z - 2020-05-11T00:54:39Z - 2019-12-31 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract □ 통계청의 소비자물가지수와 한국은행의 소비자심리지수 등 주요 경제지표의 추이를 분석하여 육아 물가 관련 동향을 파악함. □ 전국단위의 육아물가 시장조사를 통해 다양한 방식의 육아물가지수(I, II, III-1, III-2) 산출을 위한 2019년 기준가격을 산정하여 2018년(100)을 기준연도로 하여 전년 대비 육아물가에 대해 분석함. □ 육아물가지수 산출과 함께 영유아 부모가 체감하는 가격수준 및 변동에 대한 보조지표로 육아체감지표 및 소비자심리지수를 산출하여 2013년부터 2019년까지 연간 체감의 변화에 대해 분석함. □ 육아 상품 및 서비스 소비자의 구매행태와 선호변화를 다각도에서 파악하기 위해 육아 소비트렌드 분석을 실시함. □ 2018년을 지수 산출의 기준연도로 하여 산출된 지수의 변화 추이 분석을 통해 육아품목 가격과 물가 체감의 변화를 모니터링하고 현행 육아지원 설계에 대한 정책제언을 도출함. -
dc.description.abstract This is a study of the Childcare Price Index which is continually being calculated by the Childcare Policy Research Institute since 2013 and is also the second research focus of the “Childcare Costs and Consumptive Behavior of Families with Infants and Children” research, now in its second year. In order to continuously monitor price trends for costs associated with goods for childcare as well as childcare services, the child price index is calculated periodically on a regular basis. The purpose of this study is to monitor whether government-supported policies are reflected in the costs of infant childcare goods purchased by families of infants and to analyze the effects of the policies for collecting basic data for future policy making. 2019 is the second year of calculating the KICCE’s Childcare Price Index since the weight adjustments in 2018, and thus the 2019 index can show changes in the index compared to 2018. The KICCE’s Childcare Price Index (I) is shown to have decreased by 0.69% while the National Statistical Office's consumer price index is shown to have risen by 0.69%. The KICCE’s Childcare Price Index is an 11-parameter (goods) index, and it appears that the index deceased due to the expansion of a policy to support pre-kindergarten and daycare costs. Relative to 2018, the calculated KICCE’s Childcare Price Index (II, III-1, III-2) shows an increase ranging from 2% to 9% from previous year. According to a 2019 nationwide survey on the prices “felt” by consumers of childcare products for parents of infants and children, “felt” price/household burden of consumables and durable goods as well as household burden for service goods have increased. Support for cost of education and childcare services at kindergartens and daycare centers and satisfaction in using the services both increased compared to 2018. The 2019 study qualitatively analyzes consumption trends in childcare services and products. According to the analysis, it was found that various product and service markets were formed through the development of childcare technology and that networking between parents was strengthened. In addition, based on finding that the spaces and services that children and parents can enjoy together are attracting attention from parents of infants and young children, we identified three key keywords which are 'Patchwork of Childcare', ‘Family-Centered Era’, and 'Alone and Together'. Based on these results that indicated effectiveness and financial efficiency of the childcare support policies, we suggested focusing on redesigning the policies themselves to expand support services to various products. In addition, through strengthening communication with the parents raising infants and children, we emphasized the need to expand participation in policy setting to reflect their needs. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 요약 1 Ⅰ. 서 론 11 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 13 2. 연구의 내용 15 3. 연구방법 15 4. 선행연구 21 Ⅱ. KICCE 육아물가지수 산출 27 1. KICCE 육아물가조사 개요 29 2. 소비자물가지수의 육아품목 물가지수 32 3. KICCE 육아물가지수 37 4. 영유아 가구 특성에 따른 육아물가지수 49 5. 육아물가동향 53 Ⅲ. 영유아 부모 체감 물가 동향 57 1. 영유아 가구의 육아물가체감지수 59 2. 영유아 가구의 소비자심리지수 70 Ⅳ. 2019 육아 소비트렌드 분석 79 1. 육아 소비트렌드 분석과정 및 방법 81 2. 거시환경의 변화 및 2019 육아소비 이슈 89 3. 2019 육아소비트렌드 분석 결과 96 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 101 1. 2019년 KICCE 육아물가지수에 대한 논의 103 2. 가구특성에 따른 가중치 및 지수 산출에 대한 논의 105 3. KICCE 육아물가지수 산출의 지속성을 위한 제언 106 4. 정책제언 107 참고문헌 111 Abstract 115 부록 117 부록 1. 육아서비스 기관 전화조사 설문 117 부록 2. 육아 소비트렌드 캐쳐 모집 공고 포스터 126 부록 3. 육아 소비트렌드 캐쳐 리포트 양식 127 부록 4. 육아 소비트렌드 캐쳐 리포트 128 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 육아정책연구소 -
dc.title KICCE 육아물가지수 연구(Ⅱ) -
dc.title.alternative A Study of the KICCE Childrearing Price Index(Ⅱ) -
dc.type Report -
dc.citation.volume 연구보고 2019-19 -
dc.citation.startPage 1 -
dc.citation.endPage 155 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 박진아. (2019-12-31). KICCE 육아물가지수 연구(Ⅱ). 연구보고 2019-19 1-155. -
dc.subject.keyword 육아물가지수 -
dc.subject.keyword Childrearing Price Index -
dc.type.local 일반연구보고서 -
dc.type.other 연구보고서 -
dc.relation.projectName KICCE 육아물가지수 연구(Ⅱ) -
dc.relation.projectCode GR1905 -
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