Showing results 13 to 24 of 41
- 건강취약성, 환경과 건강, 건강지표 지역격차
- Health vulnerability, Environmental effect in Health, Regional variability in health outcome
- 유아교육·보육의 재개념화, 교사교육, 놀이중심교육, 문화감응교육
- Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education and Care, Teacher Education, Play-based Pedagogy, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
- 부모-자녀 관계, 공동양육, 가족 정책
- Parent-child relationship, Coparenting, family Policy
- 재정정책, 사회복지정책, 근로장려세제
- Fiscal Policy, social welfare policy, EITC
- 아동발달, 보육정책, 유아교육정책
- child development, childcare policy, early childhood education policy
- 보육, 아동발달, 가족
- childcare, child development, family
- 아동발달∙행복, 아동건강∙안전, 보육정책
- children's development & happiness, children's health & safety, childcare policy
- 유아교육, 다문화교육, 부모교육
- early childhood education, multicultural education, parent education
- 아동발달, 아동정책, 보육정책
- Child Development, child policy, nurture policy
- 가족정책, 아동 돌봄정책, 독일 사회보장정책, 다문화가족, 젠더와 돌봄
- Family Policy, Child Care Policy, Social Security Policy in Germany, Multicultural Family, Gender and Care
- 유아교육비/보육비용, 수요 예측, 시계열 분석
- Cost of Childcare center and Kindergarten, Demand forecasting, Time Series Analysis
- 에듀테크 및 미래교육, 유치원 어린이집 공공성, 장애(위험)영유아교육보육, 통일 및 북한연구, 영유아보육교육 제도와 정책
- edu-tech & future edu, kindergarten pubilcity, special educaiton and care, north korea ecec and peace education, ecec system & policy