육아지원정책 성과 연구

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.author 유희정 -
dc.contributor.author 김은설 -
dc.contributor.author 최혜선 -
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-18T05:57:28Z -
dc.date.available 2019-11-18T05:57:28Z -
dc.date.issued 2007-05-01 -
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.kicce.re.kr/handle/2019.oak/1336 -
dc.description.abstract This study was carried out in order to record systematically the final fruits of the childcare support policy which was one of the major agendas of the "Participation Government" based on the values of the government. Furthermore, it was conducted with a view of making the agendas of the present government be continued as major agendas and policies in the next government. For this, we arranged and recorded the final fruits of the childcare support policy of the ‘Participation Government’. We also tried to collect, analyze, arrange, and record the contents of the various policies carried out by each part of the government during the ‘Participation Government period(2003-2006)’. Particularly, we mainly treated such policies as the childcare policy by the Ministry of Women and Family, the children"s education policy by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, the childcare support policy by the Committee for the Aging and Future Society, the support policy for the children of farming families by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the support policy for the children of employed mothers by the Ministry of Labor. The study was arranged and divided into three parts. In the first part with the title of “The Background of the Childcare Support Policy of the ‘Participation Government’”, we contained the first chapter of “Childcare: It is the Responsibility of the All the Members of the Society” and the second chapter of “An Evaluation of the Childcare Support Policies before the ‘Participation Government’”. In the second part with the title of “The Childcare Support Policy of the ‘Participation Government’”, we contained the third chapter of “The Change of the Concept of Childcare Support: Childcare for All the Infants and Children”, the fourth chapter of “The Positive Childcare Support Policy accomplished by the ‘Participation Government’”, the fifth chapter of “A Search for the Expansion of the Budget for the Childcare Support and the Way for Its Efficient Management”, the sixth chapter of “The Preparation for Supplying Public Services”, and the seventh chapter of “The Efforts for the Expansion of the National and Public Facilities”. In the third part with the title of “The Childcare Support Policy: Where Is It Going?”, we arranged and contained the eighth chapter of “The Direction and Objective of the Childcare Support Policy” and the ninth chapter of “The Conflict and Feud in the Actual Field of Childcare Support”. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 들어가는 말 제1부 참여정부 육아지원정책의 배경 제2부 참여정부의 육아지원정책 제3부 육아지원 정책, 어디로 가야 하나 맺는말: 육아지원, 희망을 향하여 참고문헌 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 여성가족부 -
dc.publisher 육아정책개발센터 -
dc.title 육아지원정책 성과 연구 -
dc.title.alternative The Chidlcare Support Policy of the ‘Participation Government’ -
dc.type Report -
dc.embargo.terms 10000-01-01 -
dc.embargo.liftdate 10000-01-01 -
dc.citation.volume 연구보고(여성가족부) 2007-12 -
dc.citation.startPage 1 -
dc.citation.endPage 149 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 유희정. (2007-05-01). 육아지원정책 성과 연구. 연구보고(여성가족부) 2007-12, 1–149. -
dc.identifier.url https://nl.go.kr/NL/contents/search.do?srchTarget=total&pageNum=1&pageSize=10&insiteschStr=&schQuery=&mainSrchField=1&kwd=%EC%9C%A1%EC%95%84%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EC%A0%95%EC%B1%85+%EC%84%B1%EA%B3%BC+%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC#viewKey=CNTS-00124791543&viewType=C&category=%EB%8F%84%EC%84%9C&pageIdx=1&jourId= -
dc.type.local 수탁연구보고서 -
dc.type.other 연구보고서 -
dc.relation.projectName 육아지원정책 성과 연구 -
dc.relation.projectCode CR0701 -
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > 5. 수탁연구보고서
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