아동에 대한 사회적 배제의 실태와 대응과제: 아동 혐오와 차별 현상 진단을 중심으로

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.author 유해미 -
dc.contributor.author 김지현 -
dc.contributor.author 박은정 -
dc.contributor.author 송신영 -
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-11T16:29:40Z -
dc.date.available 2025-02-11T16:29:40Z -
dc.date.issued 2024-11-30 -
dc.identifier.uri https://repo.kicce.re.kr/handle/2019.oak/5815 -
dc.description.abstract Anyone should be able to use and communicate comfortably in public places and spaces. Therefore, restricting the use of public spaces because of age can lead to social exclusion and discrimination. In this study, among the various dimensions of social exclusion, we focused on children’s social relationships and diagnosed whether young children were excluded or discriminated against in public places and spaces. To this end, a survey was conducted on 1,200 people, including 446 households with children under elementary school age, and surveyed on perceptions of respect for children’s rights and In addition, an interview survey was conducted with 12 people from households with children and 12 young people(ages 20 to 39) to investigate awareness of young children’s use and entry of public spaces.experiences and demands of social exclusion for young children. Local government policies regarding the operation of child-friendly public spaces and operation cases by type of public space were analyzed. Through social big data analysis, social discourse on children’s rights and social exclusion of children from 2014 to 2023 was identified. By combining the above analysis results, we diagnosed whether discrimination and hatred against children exist, and proposed major strategies for social response and detailed improvement tasks for each type of public space. First of all, the avoidance of young children in public places is not a cause for concern, and the targets of avoidance or disgust are identified as caregivers who do not discipline elementary school students who engage in problematic behavior. However, there are concerns that hate speech against female caregivers is spreading. Next, the main strategies for social response are spreading best practices related to respect for children and consideration for caregivers, overcoming child exclusion by expanding open spaces for all age groups, and fostering children through linkage with child-friendly city and women-friendly city creation projects. It was presented as creating a friendly environment and preparing differentiated measures to respect and consider children according to the type of public space. As a way to create a social foundation, it was proposed to enact the “Anti-Discrimination Act” to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age and strengthen relief measures, and to enact the “Basic Children’s Act” to strengthen children’s rights. In addition, it was proposed to establish a legal basis for unification of child-friendly business-related businesses and to identify policy tasks to expand child-friendly businesses. Lastly, detailed tasks regarding active measures for respect and consideration of children were presented for each type of public space. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 요약 1 Ⅰ. 서론 21 1. 연구목적 및 필요성 23 2. 연구내용 26 3. 연구방법과 추진절차 27 4. 연구범위와 용어 정의 40 Ⅱ. 아동에 대한 사회적 배제 관련 논의와 대응 경과 45 1. 아동에 대한 사회적 배제 및 차별에 관한 이론적 논의 47 2. 유관 입법 및 규제 동향 56 3. ‘노키즈존’ 관련 이슈 및 논쟁점 63 Ⅲ. 아동에 대한 사회적 배제 관련 담론 분석 79 1. 분석 개요 81 2. 아동 및 아동권리에 대한 사회적 담론 88 3. 아동에 대한 사회적 배제 및 차별에 관한 사회적 담론 97 4. 소결 119 Ⅳ. 사례분석 123 1. 지방정부의 정책 및 입법례 125 2. 아동친화 공공장소 운영 사례 139 3. 소결 160 Ⅴ. 아동에 대한 사회적 배제의 인식 및 경험과 요구 163 1. 일반국민의 아동 및 아동권리 인식 165 2. 일반국민의 아동에 대한 사회적 배제 인식과 경험 171 3. 유자녀 가구의 사회적 배제 경험과 개선요구 207 4. 일반국민의 사회적 대응에 관한 인식과 요구 231 5. 소결 237 Ⅵ. 정책 제언 241 1. 요약 및 종합 243 2. 사회적 대응의 기본 방향과 주요 전략 250 3. 사회적 기반의 조성 방안 253 4. 세부 과제 264 참고문헌 273 Abstract 283 부록 285 부록 1. 설문조사표: 일반국민 대상 285 부록 2. 심층면담 질문지: 부모용 305 부록 3. 심층면담 질문지: 청년용 312 부록 4. 사례조사 질문지: 공무원용 320 부록 5. 사례조사 질문지: 운영자용 330 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 육아정책연구소 -
dc.title 아동에 대한 사회적 배제의 실태와 대응과제: 아동 혐오와 차별 현상 진단을 중심으로 -
dc.title.alternative The current status and pending tasks in relation to the social exclusion of children: Focusing on the diagnosis of hate and discrimination against children -
dc.type Report -
dc.citation.volume 연구보고 2024-12 -
dc.citation.startPage 1 -
dc.citation.endPage 340 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 유해미. (2024-11-30). 아동에 대한 사회적 배제의 실태와 대응과제: 아동 혐오와 차별 현상 진단을 중심으로. 연구보고 2024-12, 1–340. -
dc.subject.keyword social exclusion of children -
dc.subject.keyword children’s rights -
dc.subject.keyword discrimination against children -
dc.subject.keyword diagnosis of children -
dc.type.local 기본연구보고서 -
dc.type.other Research Report -
dc.relation.projectName 아동에 대한 사회적 배제의 실태와 대응 과제: 아동에 대한 혐오와 차별 현상의 진단을 중심으로 -
dc.relation.projectCode MR2408 -
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