영아 대상 기관보육 내실화 방안 연구: 가정어린이집을 중심으로

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영아 대상 기관보육 내실화 방안 연구: 가정어린이집을 중심으로
Alternative Title
Research on Improvement of Infant Care: Focusing on Family Child Care Home
Issued Date
Daycare for infant services have a positive impact on the lives of working mothers. It could increase their rate of employment of women. Starting from July 2016, customized childcare support system has been introduced, which required a new direction of infant childcare and its effectiveness. This study, therefore, identified the direction and effectiveness of family child care home. First of all, the research found that the qualify of family child care home was lower compared to other types of childcare. Appraisal Authentication of family child care home was only 74.3% in 2015, the percentage of non-certified ones was low as 21.1% in March 2016. The directors and teachers' of family child care home were less likely to have retraining, safety education, etc. and parents' participation. Second, the survey included a total of 102 directors of family child home showed that the directors had difficulties in performing their additional job as teachers; indicated a low self-evaluation of quality of practice and working conditions; requested additional assistant staff and higher salary with government support. In addition, the results of the nationwide survey conducted 960 parents of family child care home were as follows; the reason for the parents of 0-1 years old used the service being because of balancing family and work life;
the satisfaction on child care environment being the lowest; reliability of the director and the teacher being the most important; and there being preference of small size of institutions for infants' parents. The survey showed that family child care home are required to provide full-time childcare for 0-1 years old from dual-earner households. The guidelines of its effectiveness of family child care home were as follows: providing separate guidance of childcare environment and its management, the needs for production and distribution of human resource guidelines, strengthening childcare consulting, enhancing job training for infants, promoting provision of information for parental involvement programme, and strengthening the cooperative system of community-related organisations for health, nutrition,
hygiene, and safety management.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적

2. 연구 내용

3. 연구 방법

Ⅱ. 연구의 배경

1. 영아 기관보육 관련 정책 및 제도

2. 가정어린이집 및 영아보육 공급 이용 추이

3. 영아보육의 질적 요소 및 평가

Ⅲ. 가정어린이집 영아반 운영 실태 및 요구

1. 설치 운영 일반 현황

2. 보육서비스 질적 특성

3. 운영 시 애로사항 및 요구

Ⅳ. 가정어린이집 영아반 이용 실태 및 요구

1. 이용 동기 및 이용가구 특성

2. 서비스 이용 실태 및 만족도

3. 향후 이용 및 개선 요구

Ⅴ. 영아반 운영 사례

1. 물리적 환경

2. 교사 처우 및 전문성 강화

3. 보육과정 운영 및 상호작용

4. 건강 영양 위생/안전관리

5. 부모참여 및 가정 지역사회 연계

6. 시사점

Ⅵ. 정책 제언

1. 가정어린이집 영아보육 운영 방향

2. 가정어린이집 영아보육 내실화 방안


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영아 대상 기관보육 내실화 방안 연구: 가정어린이집을 중심으로.pdf Download


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