아동 돌봄 분야의 민관 협력체계 구축 방안 연구

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아동 돌봄 분야의 민관 협력체계 구축 방안 연구
Alternative Title
A Study on the Establishment of Public-private Cooperation System in Child Care
Issued Date
Despite the expansion of financial investment in the field of child care for the low birth rate, child care gaps and blind spots still exist. There is need for child services to include primary school children and more attention paid to community-based child care suport. In this light, this study proposes a public-private partnership system for community-based child care to meet the demands of various care suport and to solve the gap in child care.

This study undertook a questionnaire survey on the current status of public-private cooperation and its needs. A sample of 107 civil servants in welfare governance around the country and 218 directors of care services and related service organisations were selected. Based on the analysis, the study finds implications for each type of child services as it examines the cases of community- based child care.

The analysis of the survey is here outlined. Community childcare infrastructure serves dual-income households with primary school children and infants, whilst only half of child care networks and consultative bodies are in operation. As for the suport, the central government provides funding (remodeling fee, cost of labor for child care teacher, operation cost, vehicle operation cost, etc.) and establishes links between related government agencies. The survey also suggests that local governments should effect regulations and laws for regional centered child care suport, establish comprehensive plans, and deploy dedicated departments and personnel. It is essential to identify child care providers with specificity, which requires an establishment of a robust legal and institutional basis and a distinct organisation of local departments and personnel.

The following policy suggestions are based on the analysis given. The fundamental direction of the establishment of the private-public cooperation system in childcare is to solve the childcare gap and to provide a range of childcare. Also, the direction of the operating principle suggests that more inclusive participation in decision making and networking in childcare provision are important. Furthermore, both interdependence and independence amongst the network participators is required. To establish a public-private partnership system in childcare, private-public cooperation institutions should involve the local government, education agents and primary schools. Moreover, it is also essential to identify the specific service provision required with financial suport in place. As the role of the private-public administration, the central government has set up a legal basis for local child care suport and has established a system which links with the central government. The local government is required for the establishment of relevant ordinances, designation and staffing in departments. The public sector should oversee the provision of childcare services, resources development and programme development. And lastly, the private sector should administer the provision of the childcare including the infrastructure, the consignment operation of childcare service, the marketing, the information and the participation of all agents.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구의 배경
Ⅲ. 아동 돌봄 분야의 서비스 공급 및 연계 현황
Ⅳ. 지역 중심 돌봄공동체 지원 및 운영 사례
Ⅴ. 지역중심 돌봄체계 구축의 민관 협력 실태 및 요구
Ⅵ. 정책 제언
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아동 돌봄 분야의 민관 협력체계 구축 방안 연구.pdf Download


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