The study proposed a plan for policy improvement of the 'Nuri Curriculum for 5-year-olds', which was implemented for the first time this year. The major findings of this study involved 1,605 parents who have 5 year old children and, use kindergartens and childcare centers (the number of kindergarten users: 1,015, the number of childcare center users: 590) across the whole country (except Jeju Island). According to the sampling, the number of people whose children attend the same institution as they did last year is 1,079(67.3%), the number of people whose children attend a different institution from the one they attended last year is 383(23.9%), while 143(8.9 %) were parents of children attending an institution for the first time. 94.5% of all respondents were aware of the “Nuri Curriculum for 5-year-olds’, and December, 2011 ~ January 2012 was the period in which 36.7% of people found out about the Nuri curriculum, and this was the highest proportion. Also, 49.9% of people learned about the institution through ‘word of mouth’ and this was the highest ratio. The monthly mean cost of using kindergartens and childcare centers decreased by 90,000 won before and after the implementation of the ‘Nuri Curriculum for 5-year-olds’ (Prior to the Nuri curriculum the monthly mean cost was 200,000 and afterwards it was 110,000 won). The cost of attending national kindergartens was 43,000 won, which was the cheapest, while the cost of attending private kindergartens was 163,000 won, which was the most expensive. 88.4% of people approved of the ‘Nuri curriculum for 5-year-olds’ and 94.9% of people responded that the curriculum has a positive impact on their household finances because it adds 200,000 won to their budget every month. However, the overall costs of the various types of extracurricular education have increased since last year. Moreover, households in metropolitan areas and households which receive a large income (more than 5,000,000 won per a month) often used the allowance, 200,000won, for their children’s extracurricular education. In terms of policy changes which participants hope will be implemented in the future, parents living in metropolitan areas stated that they would like to see an expansion of public institutions, while parents in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas reported that a reduction of the tuition fees of private institutions would be of most benefit to them. In addition, since many households that receive large incomes used the allowance of 200,000 won for extracurricular education, a differentiated policy based on the region in which recipients live and their household income is now required.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 연구배경 Ⅲ. 「5세 누리과정」이용 가구 특성 Ⅳ. 「5세 누리과정」유치원 및 어린이집 이용 실태 Ⅴ. 「5세 누리과정」미이용 사례 분석 Ⅵ. 「5세 누리과정」정책 만족도 및 요구 Ⅶ. 「5세 누리과정」 개선 방안 참고문헌 Abstract 부록