l The purpose of this study was to provide guidelines for indicators, interpretation of results, and teaching guidelines on the child development assessment scale for 5-year old by building a website for teachers.
l Build a website and develop the guidelines for the child development assessment scale for 5-year old.
l Contents of Website for the KICCE Child Development Assessment Scale for 5-Year Old
- Include the enactment and revision of the Nuri curriculum for 5-year old, purpose, background, and development process in the child development assessment.
- The format of presenting results of the child development assessment for 5-year old was composed of the overall evaluation on total score and evaluation by categories and items.
- The result report of the child development assessment was composed of 2 different formats- individual results were presented on the result report for young children, and the average score of class was presented on the result report for the class.
- The content of result report was composed of the 3 different levels in 5 categories(physical activity·health, communication, social relation, art experience, nature exploration)
l Building a Website of the KICCE Child Development Assessment Scale for 5-Year Old
- Provide the items, observations, activities, and guidelines of the child development assessment for 5-year old.
- Given the tap of interpreting results, the function of adding the teacher’s observation on children and class would be included so that website could be used at multilateral level.
l Build a website of the child development assessment for 3-to 4-year old.
l Develop the guidelines on the child development assessment for 3-to 5-year old.
l Make an organized system for website to analyze and manage the data.
l Make a small institute to build and manage the websites.
l Build a website that provides the interpreting results, teaching guidelines, the Nuri curriculum manual and guidelines.