보육도우미 파견 사업을 통한 사회적 일자리 지원 사업 효과성 연구

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보육도우미 파견 사업을 통한 사회적 일자리 지원 사업 효과성 연구
Alternative Title
A study of effectiveness of social jobs of dispaching child carers
Issued Date
This study is aimed to evaluate the results of a project dispatching child caregivers to low income communities, which had been run by the Korean Women Workers Association (KWWA) for three years since 2005,for creating social jobs with the support of the Community Chest of Korea, and to develop measures that can help sustain and institutionalize the child caregiver dispatch project.
These objectives and the research context can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the assessment domains and indexes to evaluate the child caregiver dispatch project were developed. Secondly, rudimentary data according to the assessment indexes were collected to assess the effectiveness of the project. The effectiveness was comprehensively studied, focusing on both family caregivers who were dispatched and the caregiver families. Third, through case studies, selected caregivers and families, the actual effectiveness of the evaluation was validated. Finally, this paper explored ways to develop programs which can help family nursery support policies, such as building up public child caregiver programs.
With respect to the research method, two questionnaires were developed and sent out to the families and caregivers. The first survey, given on March 2008, aimed to help us understand the effectiveness of the project over two points in time: before and after the dispatch of caregivers. The second survey was conducted on September 2008 to see what changes occurred since the March survey. In addition, another care study was carried out, targeted at low-income families who had benefited from the nursery caregivers dispatched to them.
According to the assessment outcomes, the KWWA’s child caregiver dispatch project helped promote and help low-income families and single-parent households which have not been able to participate in economic due to child care burdens by offering them child care support. Additionally, such tangible support such as nursery services turned out to be an effective means of poverty prevention, preventing low-income neighborhoods from becoming welfare dependent owing to indirect income transfer. It was also found that positive results were obtained in terms of the child development support effect. One cannot say categorically that child caregiver dispatch services give clear an unambiguous benefits. A variety of supporting activities and cooperative programs piloted by each KWWA regional chapter have brought about these outcomes.
From these perspectives, it needs to be stressed that although it is important to institutionalize nursery care at the family level or expand it to other projects, the main key to success in this project is how the project drivers actually continue to carry out project management and build up cooperative systems with local communities.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 보육도우미 파견사업 현황
Ⅲ. 보육도우미 수혜 아동에 대한 효과
Ⅳ. 보육도우미 수혜 가정에 대한 효과
Ⅴ. 보육시설 운영에 대한 성과
Ⅵ. 유아 기본보조금의 서비스 수준 제고 효과
Ⅶ. 유아 기본보조금의 교사 처우 개선 효과
Ⅷ. 유아 기본보조금의 부모 부담 완화 및 만족도 제고 효과
Ⅸ. 결론 및 제언
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연구보고서 > 5. 수탁연구보고서
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