□ 출산율 감소 현상은 한국 뿐만 아니라 여러 나라에서 직면하고 있는 사회적 문제이며, 인접한 중국과 일본도 같은 문제를 겪고 있음
□ 3국 모두 과거에는 다출산 국가로서 출산억제정책을 시행한 바 있었으나 현재는 출산율이 현저히 낮아져 저출산의 어려움에 직면해 있는 공통점이 있음
□ 본 연구는 3개년 연속과제 중 2차년도 연구로서 1차년도에 거시적 측면에서 동아시아 한·중·일 3국의 인구 동향과 저출산 문제의 원인에 대해 바라본 것을, 인구·정치·사회문화의 배경을 포함한 분석틀에 의해 한·중·일 3국의 임신·출산·육아정책을 비교분석하고 세 국가의 정책적 시사점을 모색하고자 함
Korea, China, and Japan all used to have birth control policies as multi fertility countries, but now they have commonalities facing low birth rates due to a markedly lower birth rate. This study is the second of three consecutive years. In the first year, we looked at the macroscopic trends of the three countries in East Asia and the causes of low fertility issues. The analysis framework, which includes the pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare policies of the three countries and seeks policy implications for the three countries. The contents of the study are as follows: First, the policy of each country is reviewed to understand the overall policy base, and the policy change of the population, social environment, and culture, and social awareness and system. Second, we take a look at the policy of cash, tax and service aspect in the major policies of pregnancy and childbirth policies by country. Third, It is focus on cash support, tax support and service support, focusing on the major policies in the country's childcare policy. Lastly, I would like to understand the issues and issues through comparative analysis of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting policies by country, and draw out policy implications for East Asia. To carry out this study, we collect data related to pregnancy, childbirth and parenting policy, and previous studies on Korea, China and Japan. We researchers also have joint meetings overseas and collect information each country through experts from Japan and China, and share the contents of policy background and current status. And We have consultations and meetings for listening to the opinions of experts and academic experts who have conducted related prior research by experts. We go overseas business trips and conferences to listen to various opinions on policy stance. In addition, a policy seminar is held to invite domestic and foreign researchers to discuss policy issues and directions by country. In doing so, we examine social contexts after 2000 for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare policies of the three countries. Finally, this study attempted to examine the influence on the policy by presenting the satisfaction level and the degree of impact on the policy by comparing and analyzing the three policy framework.