The study intended to review the outcomes and limitations of the previous 5-year plans of early childhood education and care (ECEC), and to suggest directions and key policy tasks of the next 5 year (2022-2027) Plan for the new government by reflecting upon possible changes of the future society and international trends of ECEC policy. Representative outcomes of 2018-2022 Plan of ECEC are securing finances for the Nuri subsidy until the end of 2022, expanding places for public ECEC services, initiating child-centered and play-based the Nuri curriculum, and providing child allowances to all children 0 to 7 in accordance with national agenda of the current government. On the other hand, some limitations include quality gaps in ECEC services, stable funding for Nuri subsidy after 2022, low qualification, initial training systems and low salaries of childcare teachers, high teacher-child ratios, operation of after-school services in kindergartens, and provision of seamless childcare services during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Data were gathered through questionnaires with diverse stakeholder groups including officials from 17 local governments and local offices of education, 56 experts from academia, and about 3,000 citizens including 1,000 parents of children aged 0 to 6. More than ten meetings were held with kindergarten and childcare associations and practitioners across different ECEC settings. Based on major findings of questionnaires and outcomes and limitations of previous mid-term plans of ECEC, four regional workshops were held with a total of about 80 stakeholders in order to discuss future directions and key policy tasks for the next 5 years in Korea. All responded citizens, academia and officials of local governments considered low-birth rates, causing dramatic decreases of the number of children 0 to 5, will continue to have strong impacts on ECEC policies in the future. The responded stakeholder groups emphasized health, emotional regulation, and creativity in young children. The selected priority policy tasks by the respondents are to achieve free ECEC, to integrate ECEC and to enhance quality of ECEC services.
Table Of Contents
요약 1
Ⅰ. 서론 13 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 15 2. 연구 내용 18 3. 연구 방법 19
Ⅱ. 국내외 유아교육과 보육 정책 동향과 미래환경 변화 전망 25 1. 관련 주요 통계 27 2. 주요 관련정책 45 3. 미래환경 변화 전망 64
Ⅲ. 현 정부의 유아교육과 보육 정책 성과와 한계 분석 73 1. 제2차 유아교육발전 기본계획 추진 성과와 한계 75 2. 제3차 중장기보육 기본계획 추진 성과와 한계 82 3. 소결 90
Ⅳ. 2022-2027 유아교육과 보육 발전 방향과 정책과제 관련 의견 및 요구 분석 93 1. 대국민조사 결과 95 2. 학계전문가 조사결과 159 3. 공무원 조사결과 173 4. 조사결과 비교분석 189 5. 권역별 정책토론회 및 자문회의 주요 결과 194
Ⅴ. 2022-2027 유아교육과 보육 중장기 발전 방안 203 1. 향후 유아교육과 보육 정책의 방향성 205 2. 핵심 정책과제 208 3. 누리과정 소요 재정 추계 211
참고문헌 221
Abstract 225
부록 227 부록 1. 다부문 전문가 서면자문(심층면담) 질의서 227 부록 2. 유아교육・보육 학계 전문가 조사 설문지 229 부록 3. 시도교육청 담당공무원 조사 설문지 236 부록 4. 시도청 담당공무원 조사 설문지 244 부록 5. 대국민 조사 설문지 252