어린이집과 유치원 장애위험 영유아 조기발견 및 발달지원 종합 대책 방안(Ⅰ): 실태조사 및 조기선별 도구 개발

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어린이집과 유치원 장애위험 영유아 조기발견 및 발달지원 종합 대책 방안(Ⅰ): 실태조사 및 조기선별 도구 개발
Alternative Title
Comprehensive Measure for Early Screening and Support for Children At Risk for Developmental Disabilities in Early Childhood Education and Care (I): A Survey and Development of Early Screening Tool
Children at riskKorean Screening Index for Early DevelopmentTeacher support guideECECInfant and young children
Issued Date
This research is a first year study for 4-year cooperative project for Korean government’s ‘Master Plan for Children with Developmental Disabilities’(Related Ministries, 2021. 05.) and President Yoon Suk-yeol’s key policy tasks(Numbers 47, 67, and 84). The purpose of current research is to develop and distribute early screening tool and easy-to-understand support guide for ECEC teachers to use in classroom. In the current study, literature review, conference of experts, survey of status and demands, and case studies were conducted to develop index for early screening toll and support guide for ECEC teachers.
The result of the current study is as follows.
First, as a result of analyzing legal regulations systems related to children at risk, the difficulties were identified in lack of connection of demands of service consumers from disability diagnosis and early screening, identification of children who qualify for special education, related institutions, regulations of welfare support providers.
Second, the analysis result of the current systems and services of supporting children with disabilities or at risk suggested that the system for early screening is the National Health Screening Program for Infants and Children. However, the children who were recommended for in-depth evaluation had difficulties proceeding to the next step due to parental rejection, restrictions on cost support, and lack of publicity.
Third, according to the survey result of 1,214 ECEC teachers, 40.4% of the teachers responded having experiences in caring children at risk. They responded observing and comparing children with their peers is the first priority for their decision. Among 40.4% of teachers with experiences in caring children at risks, 38.1% of them used screening tools such as K-CDI, K-DST, and CBCL 1.5-5. However, 20.9% of those who responded having experience with screening tools answered that they did not know the name of the tool. 48.1% of teachers who had experience with children with risk discussed the problems with parents and provided activities to use at home. Of the 1,214 teachers, 95.5%(53.5% + 42%) responded that early screening tool for children at risk of is needed.
Based on the above results, the Korean Screening Index of Early Development (K-SIED) for teachers was developed. K-SIED was developed to prevent and minimize development problems through early screening and early intervention. It was developed especially to support teachers to screen children at risk in ECEC classroom. Connection with ECEC curriculum and daily routines, focus on developmental areas, enhancing the possibility of early screening(12 months to 5 years old), securing suitability as a teacher evaluation tool, and effectiveness of screening results. Based on preliminary study, A total of 376 items were developed.
Lastly, the contents for teacher support guide were organized. The guide is not for teachers to distinguish children into a specific group called "children at risk," but to provide appropriate support to promote development by identifying children with developmental difficulties in a timely manner. For teachers to provide effective support for children at risk, this guide is organized as following: understanding children at risk, teaching and providing behavioral support for children at risk.
The implications of the current study suggests "a connected system of supporting healthy development from the beginning of life" by complementing the current system.
Firstly, the monitoring and follow-up system of the National Health Screening Program for Infants and Children should be complemented. Second, in order to enhance the monitoring capacities for children at risk in ECECs, Korean Screening Index for Early Development (K-SIED) and teacher support guide should be distributed. Also, It is necessary to strengthen public awareness of children at risk to improve parental awareness. Lastly, 1:1 coaching support from experts by visiting ECECs is suggested. Third, as a plan to support the capacity of teachers caring children at risk the following ways are suggested. A curriculum related to children with disabilities should be included in a pre-service teacher training program. Also, for the teachers in service, courses for teaching and learning, and play support for children at risk should be included in the in-service training. In order to establish an integrated support system through coordination from the developmental LeaRnning mate team and center, the law for founding centers and defining their types, the role of the center, and the integrated support network for children at risk should be divided into 1-2-3 levels.
Finally, in order to establish a healthy and safe environment for children, integration of ECECs should be advanced to reinforce registrating and providing special education system for children with disabilities. Also, an assistive teacher should be placed when children with disabilities are placed in general education classrooms. The infrastructure for placement and support for children with disabilities in integrated classrooms should be expanded. Lastly, it is necessary to systemize early screening of children at risk groups and delivering service through utilizing big data.
Table Of Contents
요약 1

Ⅰ. 서론 13
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 15
2. 연구 내용: 1차년도 20
3. 연구방법 21
4. 용어 정의 및 연구의 범위 40

Ⅱ. 연구의 배경 41
1. 국내 장애위험 영유아 관련 규정 및 제도 43
2. 해외 장애위험 영유아 지원체계 60
3. 국내외 장애위험 영유아 관련 선행연구 73
4. 국내외 장애위험 영유아 조기선별 도구 84
5. 소결 및 시사점 91

Ⅲ. 국내 장애위험 및 장애 영유아 지원 사업 현황 95
1. 조기발견 및 진단 지원 사업 97
2. 장애 영유아 교육・보육 서비스 108
3. 장애 영유아 지원을 위한 전달체계 현황 114
4. 발달지원 바우처 서비스: 지역사회서비스원 사업 127
5. 장애위험 영유아 및 가족지원 우수 사례 142
6. 소결 및 시사점 176

Ⅳ. 어린이집과 유치원의 장애위험 영유아 실태 및 요구 조사 181
1. 응답 대상의 일반적 특징 183
2. 장애위험 영유아 지도 경험 및 조치 방법 191
3. 장애위험 영유아 선별 및 지원 방안에 대한 요구 219
4. 장애위험 영유아의 통합적 지원 요구 255
5. 소결 및 시사점 267
Ⅴ. 교사용 장애위험 영유아 조기선별 도구 개발 271
1. 조기선별 도구 개발 과정의 주요 결과 273
2. 예비조사를 위한 영유아 조기선별 검사도구 구성 311
3. 예비조사 결과 316
4. 한국 영유아발달 선별검사(K-SIED)의 구성 337

Ⅵ. 장애위험 영유아 지도를 위한 교사 안내 자료 357
1. 교사안내자료 개발 과정의 주요 결과 357
2. 교사지원 안내 자료의 구성의 방향 362
3. 러닝메이트 교사 안내 자료 366

Ⅶ. 정책 방안 367
1. 생애초기부터 건강한 성장을 연계・지원하는 체계 구축 369
2. 장애위험 영유아 모니터링을 위한 어린이집과 유치원의 역량 강화 380
3. 장애위험 영유아 담당 교사의 역량 지원 방안 384
4. 발달 러닝메이트(LeaR‧nning‧mate) 팀/센터의 코디네이션을 통한 통합지원체계 기반 구축 387
5. 영유아가 건강하고 안전한 환경이 되기 위한 체질 개선 394
6. 2차년도 연구 계획 및 추진 방안 399

참고문헌 401
Abstract 418
부록 421
부록 1. 설문조사 423
부록 2. 예비연구용 영유아발달선별검사도구 설문지 (연령집단별) 442
부록 3. 예비조사 결과 456
부록 4. K-SIED 결과 보고서 양식 458
부록 5. 아이의 발달속도에 따라 함께 걸어가는 러닝메이트, 교사지원자료 462
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