한국아동 성장발달 종단연구 2023 (한국아동패널 Ⅱ)

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한국아동 성장발달 종단연구 2023 (한국아동패널 Ⅱ)
Alternative Title
2023 Longitudinal Study of Growth and Development of Korean Children: Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC)
panel studylongitudinal dataKrean Childrenchild development
Issued Date
"Longitudinal Study of Growth and Development of Korean Childrem: Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC)“ is the first longitudinal study of children in Korea, starting with newborns, and the first survey was conducted in 2008 for children born in 2008, and the 16th survey was conducted in 2023.
By examining the characteristics of parents, families, care and childcare (infancy and early childhood), and school and private education (childhood) that affect children's growth and development, we have accumulated multi-layered research data to understand children and the systems that surround them, including children, primary caregivers, parents of children, teachers at childcare support organizations (infancy and early childhood), and teachers at schools (childhood).
As of March 15, 2023, there were a total of 1,228 research reports, seminars, and papers published using the Korean Child Panel data. Of these, 857 academic papers accounted for the highest proportion at 70%. When looking at the utilization of data in academic papers, there are 523 cross-sectional studies and 334 longitudinal studies.
The 2023 Korean Child Panel Survey was conducted in four separate parts.
First, we conduct the 16th survey of the Korean Children's Panel. The panel children, who were born in 2008 when the first survey was conducted in 2008, entered the third year of middle school this year. The 16th survey was conducted on the panel children, their households (primary caregivers, parents), and their schools (homeroom teachers). In the 16th survey, 1,508 households out of a total sample of 2,150 households were selected as the effective sample. The final number of households that participated in the 16th year survey was 1,288 (1,258 children). This is 85.4% of the targeted sample of 1,508 households. This is 62.0% of the 2,078 households that participated the 1st year survey and 98.8% of the 1,304 households that completed the 15th year survey 15 in 2022.
Second, we conducted a basic analysis using data from the 15th Korean Child Panel Survey and conducted an in-depth analysis using accumulated longitudinal data. The basic analysis centered on the main variables of children, parents, family, school, community, and policy areas using the 15th survey data. Using longitudinal data, we analyzed the trajectory of life satisfaction of the panel children and parents and analyzed the patterns of private education use in depth.
Third, we held the 14th Korea Child Panel Conference and released the 14th survey data. The data of the 14th survey, conducted in 2021, was first provided to the participants of the conference and utilized, and was released to the public after a certain period of verification after the conference.
Fourth, we performed management and user convenience tasks for the 1st-14th data. We updated and continuously checked and managed the survey data, questionnaires, tool profiles, and change maps of variables from the 1st to 14th surveys, and devised and implemented other measures to improve user convenience.
Table Of Contents
요약 1

Ⅰ. 개요 19
1. 사업 목적 21
2. 사업 내용 23
3. 주요 방법 25

Ⅱ. 16차년도(2023년) 조사 사업 보고 31
1. 16차년도 조사과정 33
2. 16차년도 조사내용 41
3. 패널유지를 위한 사업 56

Ⅲ. 15차년도(2022년) 데이터 기초분석 61
1. 15차년도 조사개요 63
2. 아동 특성 65
3. 부모 및 가구 특성 143
4. 학교 및 사교육 특성 178
5. 지역사회 및 정책 특성 203
6. 가중치 산출 및 적용 219

Ⅳ. 한국아동패널 데이터 활용 225
1. 자료 활용 현황 227
2. 제14회 한국아동패널 학술대회 개최 231
3. 사용자 편의를 위한 변수정리 작업 235
Ⅴ. 심층분석: 패널아동의 삶의 만족도 궤적과 사교육 특성 247
1. 심층분석Ⅰ- 아동과 모의 삶의 만족도 궤적을 활용한 유형화 분석 및 집단별 특성 249
2. 심층분석Ⅱ- 사교육 이용패턴의 종단적 분석과 특성 분석 290

Ⅵ. 패널데이터 추이분석 및 시사점 309
1. 한국아동패널 1-15차 추이분석 311
2. 15차년도 데이터 분석의 시사점 323

참고문헌 333

Abstract 337

부록 339
부록 1. 16차년도(2023년 조사) IRB 승인통지서 339
부록 2. 15차년도(2022년 조사) 질문지 340
부록 3. 15차년도(2022년 조사) 질문지 : 보호자용 378
부록 4. 15차년도(2022년 조사) 질문지 : 어머니용 411
부록 5. 15차년도(2022년 조사) 질문지 : 아버지용 424
부록 6. 15차년도(2022년 조사) 질문지 : 담임교사용 437
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연구보고서 > 2. 일반연구보고서
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