영아 부모의 육아기 근무환경 조사: 한국 영유아 교육·보육 패널 가구를 대상으로

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영아 부모의 육아기 근무환경 조사: 한국 영유아 교육·보육 패널 가구를 대상으로
Alternative Title
A survey on the working conditions of parents with infants: A Study Based on households in the Korean ECEC Panel
work-life balanceworking conditions of parentschildcarepanel study
Issued Date
Infancy is a period during which parental care is critically important, and parents also have a high demand for direct caregiving. Therefore, the working environment of parents raising infants can have a significant impact on their work-life balance. The working environment, especially the childcare support environment for parents with infants is expected to have long-term effects on their work-life balance, family dynamics, and the child’s developmental characteristics. This study aims to investigate the working conditions (institutional and cultural environments) for parents with infants using data from the "Korean Early Childhood Education and Care Panel Study."
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1) To identify working conditions related to the use of childcare support programs for parents with infants. This provide a basis for analyzing the relationship between the working conditions, the use of childcare support programs, child development, and family characteristics. 2) To identify the needs of parents with infants to improve working conditions to ensure childcare time and work-life balance and to derive improvement measures.

For this study, a variety of research methods were employed including literature review, survey research, interview and expert advisory meetings. The research used an online survey with 678 working fathers or mothers from the ECEC Panel, as well as a Focus Group Interview (FGI) with 14 working parents raising infants.

1) Experience and Environment of Using Childcare Support Programs: Parental leave is the most widely adopted of childcare support programs in the workplaces, and has the highest utilization rate. The rate of having reduced working hours during childcare period is relatively low. There were differences in experiences between men and women, with men had greater difficulties in using such programs due to a lack of role models or workplace culture that discouraged use them. Non-wage workers were less aware of available support programs and struggled with balancing work and childcare.
(Flexible Work Arrangements) Flexible work arrangements in the workplace were more likely to be part-time (flexible hours) for working hours and telecommuniting (remote work) for working location. In terms of actual utilization, staggered commuting and remote work were more common. The adoption and utilization of flexible work arrangements varied by workplace size. However, in terms of their actual utilization, staggered commuting and remote work were more common. The adoption and utilization of flexible work arrangements varied by workplace size. Parents with more flexible work arrangements were less likely to have childcare burden. Parents working in workplaces with various flexible work arrangements had less burden of child-rearing.

2) Workplace Culture: The workplace culture was rated as moderate in terms of what could be improved, such as overtime, frequent formal meetings, instructions outside of work hours, and poor communication. Some reported that supervisors or colleagues lacked understanding of the challenges of balancing work and childcare. To create a more childcare-friendly workplace, the most urgent efforts were identified as expanding the introduction and use of childcare support systems and flexible work arrangements, as well as strengthening government incentives for childcare-friendly workplaces. The majority of parents suggested that working hours should be reduced to create a childcare-friendly culture at work. Programs such as reduced working hours or parental leave during the parenting period are not readily available because they lead to change in salary, which worsens household economic conditions. Instead, they feel it important that parenting hours or childcare leave is secured and freely available.

3) Childcare and Work-Life Balance: Despite both parents being employed, mothers actually spent more time with the child than fathers. Additionally, mothers expressed a greater desire to spend more time to childcare. Women, especially those in dual-income households, were more likely to consider changing jobs, leaving work, or taking a career break before or after childbirth than men. Some parents expressed concerns that a lack of childcare-friendly workplace practices might negatively influence other employees' decisions to balance work and childcare.

Based on the above findings, the study proposes several policy improvement measures: Increasing awareness of and access to programs, improving understanding of support for workers in the parenting years, expanding flexible work arrangements, increasing childcare hours, strengthening government incentives for childcare-friendly workplaces, and fostering a cultural shift towards greater understanding and support for work-life balance.
The study hopes that the data collected will contribute to further research, exploring the relationship between working conditions and various other factors.
Table Of Contents
요약 1

Ⅰ. 서론 11
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 13
2. 연구내용 16
3. 연구방법 16
4. 연구범위 19
5. 선행연구 20

Ⅱ. 근로자를 위한 육아지원제도 현황 23
1. 육아지원제도 현황 25
2. 육아지원제도 이용 현황 53
3. 소결 68

Ⅲ. 영아 부모의 근무환경 실태 71
1. 조사 참여자 특성 73
2. 육아지원제도 이용 경험 및 환경 92
3. 육아에 대한 직장 문화 118
4. 자녀양육 및 일·생활 균형 136
5. 소결 145

Ⅳ. 영아 부모의 육아지원 경험 및 개선 요구 149
1. FGI 참여자 특성 151
2. 자녀양육 및 지원제도 이용 153
3. 육아에 대한 직장 문화 155
4. 일·생활 균형 159
5. 소결 161

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 163
1. 영아 부모의 근무환경 개선 방안 165
2. 추후 연구에 대한 제언 173

참고문헌 177

Abstract 183

부록 187
부록 1. 조사 설문지 187
부록 2. 면담 질문지 198
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > 4. 연구개발적립금및사업보고서
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