"Longitudinal Study of Growth and Development of Korean Children: Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC)“ is the first long-term longitudinal study in Korea that began with newborns. The first survey was conducted in 2008 for children born in 2008, and the survey is planned to continue until 2027, when the children enter adulthood. In 2024, the 17th year of the survey was conducted. The survey investigates the characteristics of parents, families, care and childcare (infancy), and school and private education (childhood) that affect children's growth and development. The survey targets children, primary caregivers, children's parents, teachers at childcare support centers (infancy), and homeroom teachers at schools (childhood), and has accumulated multi-layered survey data that can be used to understand the children and the systems surrounding them. As of April 2024, a total of 1,418 research reports, seminars, and theses have been published using the data from the PSKC, of which 1,018 are academic theses, making up the largest proportion. Looking at the use of academic papers, there are 633 cross-sectional studies and 385 longitudinal studies. In 2024, this study was conducted in the following four parts. First, the 17th PSKC was conducted. In 2024, the panel children and their households who will be entering the first year of high school were surveyed, as well as the children and their primary caregivers, and the parents were surveyed, and the children's homeroom teachers were surveyed. In addition, 2024 is the year in which the fifth in-depth survey is planned. We conducted an in-depth survey on the theme of “youth's family and multicultural awareness.” Second, we conducted an analysis using the 16th PSKC data and conducted a longitudinal analysis using data from the 1st to the 16th survey. In other words, we conducted a cross-sectional basic analysis focusing on the major variables in the areas of children, parents, families, schools, communities, and policies using the 16th survey data, and conducted a longitudinal analysis of basic and interest variables using data from the 1st to the 16th survey. Third, the 15th PSKC Academic Conference was held to release the 15th survey data. The 15th survey data, which was conducted in 2022, was provided to the participants of the academic conference first and then released to the public after the conference. In particular, in 2024, a data briefing session was held prior to the academic conference to improve data utilization and accessibility. Fourth, we managed data from the 1st to 15th waves and worked on user convenience. In other words, we updated and continuously checked and managed data from the 1st to 15th waves, questionnaires, profiles, variable maps, and user manuals.
Table Of Contents
요약 1
Ⅰ. 사업 및 연구개요 17 1. 사업 및 연구목적 19 2. 주요 사업 및 연구내용 20 3. 주요 방법 22
Ⅱ. 17차년도(2024년) 사업보고 29 1. 17차년도 조사과정 31 2. 17차년도 조사내용 41 3. 패널유지를 위한 사업 57
Ⅲ. 16차년도(2023년) 데이터 기초분석 63 1. 16차년도 조사개요 65 2. 아동 특성 68 3. 부모 및 가구 특성 159 4. 학교 및 사교육 특성 193 5. 지역사회 및 정책 특성 222
Ⅳ. 한국아동패널 데이터 활용 235 1. 자료 활용 현황 237 2. 데이터설명회 및 학술대회 241 3. 가중치 산출 및 적용 247
Ⅴ. 추이분석: 아동패널 종단자료로 보는 초․중등기 아동의 삶 253 1. 분석 개요 255 2. 분석 내용 256 3. 소결 286