유아교육과 보육 협력 모델 시범적용의 과정과 성과 분석(Ⅳ) - 시범지역 확산에 따른 영차프로젝트 활성화 방안

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유아교육과 보육 협력 모델 시범적용의 과정과 성과 분석(Ⅳ) - 시범지역 확산에 따른 영차프로젝트 활성화 방안
Alternative Title
Analysis on Outcomes and Processes of Collaboration
Between Kindergartens and Childcare Centers (IV)
- Promoting the Yeong Cha project by expanding pilot sites
Issued Date
The study as the fourth year of the Yeong Cha project aimed at expanding pilot sites in order to promote collaboration between kindergartens and childcare centers. It also intended to analyze the processes and outcomes as well as to identify factors affecting the service coordination of kindergartens and childcare centers in the fourth year of the project.
The pilot sites were selected on a voluntary basis with certain criteria and expanded from 22 institutions in 3 regions in the third year(2011) to 44 institutions in 8 regions in the fourth year(2012). These pilot institutions were categorized into four different types in terms of features of collaboration: rural, urban, split by age, and small group types. The fourth year of the pilot project focused on 1) collaboration of kindergartens and childcare centers in implementing the Nuri curriculum for Age Five, 2) differentiating collaboration types by reflecting upon different needs and circumstances of pilot sites, 3) establishing collaborative networks between kindergartens and childcare centers, 4) promoting the project to stakeholders, especially parents by sharing and disseminating outcomes and cases of the collaboration.
Outcome evaluation was undertaken by the pilot sites as well as external experts. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with about 3,700 parents, 400 directors and teachers of the pilot sites and 50 local government officials regarding their perspectives and experiences regarding the collaboration of kindergartens and childcare centers.
The overall level of collaboration of pilot sites in the fourth year was found to be improved over time by self-evaluation of participating kindergartens and childcare centers. Moreover, evaluation of external experts, compared to self-evaluation of the participating institutions, on levels of collaboration were higher in all aspects. Pilot sites in urban areas displayed a higher level of collaboration than other types, especially in the implementation of the Nuri Curriculum.
A total of 10 seminars and small-scale meetings in pilot regions were held in order to establish collaborative networks between kindergartens and childcare centers for sharing and disseminating successful cases. A total of about 1,300 participants from non-pilot sites were attended and highly regarded the willingness to collaborate and joint activities of pilot early childhood centers.
The parents of the pilot sites responded that they were mostly satisfied(76.7%) with collaborative activities, especially with the quality of programs and the expanded peer relationships. The teachers also responded the program collaboration as the most active and successful. Both teachers and local government officials highly evaluated the collaboration in implementing the Nuri Curriculum and establishing collaborative networks, expecting further joint efforts for the Nuri Curriculum for 3 to 5 in 2013.
Directions for the fifth year of the Yeong Cha project are suggested including transforming the pilot project into a regular local government project, continuing collaboration in the implementation of the Nuri Curriculum for 3 to 5, strengthening collaboration between family daycare and kindergartens, analyzing unsuccessful pilot cases in-depth, and collecting children’s perspectives on collaborative activities. Above all, it is highly important to develop strategic ways of utilizing outcomes and processes of the Yeong Cha project in coordination and integration of early childhood education and care systems and policies in Korea.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 유보협력 영차 시범연구의 개요와 성과
Ⅲ. 4차년도 영차 시범연구의 추진 방향과 과정
Ⅳ. 4차년도 유보협력 성과 분석
Ⅴ. 학부모, 교사, 공무원 인식 및 만족도
Ⅵ. 향후 추진 방안
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연구보고서 > 2. 일반연구보고서
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유아교육과 보육 협력 모델 시범적용의 과정과 성과 분석(Ⅳ) - 시범지역 확산에 따른 영차프로젝트 활성화 방안.pdf Download


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