This study was designed to ⑴ analyze the companies' policies as regards support for child-rearing,⑵ examine the current status of their implementation of those policies and seek exemplary cases, and ⑶ propose alternative policy suggestions. For this study, domestic and foreign previous research into child-rearing in companies was reviewed. Also, related supporting systems as well as laws and ordinances concerning child-rearing were examined. Furthermore, policy suggestions were provided based on literature research, case studies, and a fact-finding survey. The survey that was conducted involved a nationally representative sample of 1,000 employees whose ages ranged from 20 to individuals in their early 40s and who rear children, and 800 members of staff in charge of personnel management or welfare support in companies. According to the findings of the present research, most of the employees, 72.9% of the participants, suffered from issues relating to child-rearing. Maternity leave was the most popular policy among companies' measures aimed at supporting employees rearing children., and over 85% of the employees responded that companies’ child-rearing support policies were helpful as regards the balance between work and family. Based on the responses from the members of staff in charge, 13.8% of the companies provided their employees with childcare benefit, and just 5% of them were equipped with on site facilities at the workplace. Participants also reported that the value and culture of the workplace would be enhanced by the promotion of various policies meant to create a flexible working system. In addition, domestic and foreign companies, having better maternal/paternal and child-rearing leave policies also having invested heavily in the running of high quality on-line facilities at the workplace were implementing policies based on the particular characteristics of their own employees. To promote the companies' policies supporting child-rearing, the compulsory enforcement of related laws and ordinances and the management's will to implement child-rearing friendly policies are important, and their effects can be intensified by the government's own support system. To relieve employees' suffering due to child-rearing the quality of their working environment, especially as regards long working hours and the issue of gender equality in the context of child-rearing, should be a matter of serious consideration. Furthermore, practical policies to help the balance between work and family are needed. A family-friendly atmosphere at the workplace would help to raise the implementation rate of maternal/paternal leave. To support child-rearing policies effectively, a publicity plan should be developed with a view to encouraging companies to become better equipped, as far as their on-site facilities are concerned. . In addition, diverse and flexible policies should be suggested to raise both women's employment rate and their birth rate.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 기업의 자녀양육 지원 제도 Ⅲ. 기업의 자녀양육 지원 실태 및 요구 Ⅳ. 국내·외 자녀양육 지원 우수 사례 Ⅴ. 정책 과제 참고문헌 Abstract 부록