The purposes of this research are to prove the academic significance of the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC), suggest implications for developing policies, inform scholars in the related fields of the findings of the PSKC , and check the utility of the data from the third wave by analyzing the PSKC data through in-depth studies. This research report includes four independent studies, each having a different theme. The first study explored the effects of trait, sleeping hours, and mothers' style of parenting on young children's development. The second examined the state of language development in 3 year old children and explored the estimate variables by investigating young children's personal characteristics, daily activities, and everyday life. The third analyzed the factors involved in the decision-making of couples who choose to have a second child and couples who have not a second child even though they both intended to have more babies after the birth of the first child. The purpose of the final study was to compare the mothers' and fathers' perception of childbirth and parenting and explore the effects of different parenting styles on child rearing.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 유아의 기질, 수면시간과 모의 양육스타일이 발달수준에 미치는 영향 (도남희) Ⅲ. 만 3세 유아의 어휘력 발달을 예측하는 변인탐색: 유아의 개인 특성, 평일 일과활동 및 일상생활시간 변인을 중심으로(송요현) Ⅳ. 둘째 자녀 출산 의도와 출산 이행(왕영희·이예진) Ⅴ. 유아 어머니와 아버지 간 자녀관, 심리적 맥락적 양육 특성 및 양육행동의 차이에 대한 상호 비교 연구(김은설·정영혜) Ⅵ. 맺는 말 Abstract