유아교육과 보육의 협력 모델 적용 시범연구(Ⅴ) - 「3-5세 연령별 누리과정」 운영협력을 중심으로
Alternative Title
A Pilot Study on Application of Cooperation Model of Childhood Education and Childcare (V): Mainly Focused on Operative Cooperation of "NURI Curriculum for 3 to 5-year-olds"
This study was the fifth-year pilot project which attempted to seek ways to settle cooperation between kindergartens and childcare centers, centered on the operation of Nuri Curriculum for 3 to 5-Year-Old Children, which was extended to common curriculum and enforced in both kindergartens and childcare centers since 2013. To diffuse the collaboration between kindergartens and childcare centers, the pilot sites were expanded to 16 cities and provinces in the whole country, and the curriculum was implemented in total 57 pilot institutions based on the cooperation result so far. The cooperation outcomes of the fifth-year pilot institutions are as follows. First, the management of the institution, facilities and teaching materials and tools, teachers, parents, budget and other specific collaborative outcomes in each cooperative domain were analyzed through self-evaluation by the heads of institutions. In the result of the analysis of outcomes in each cooperative domain in 56 pilot institutions, teachers' collaboration(70.56 points) was fulfilled the most, and new institutions (43) showed higher outcomes than the existing institutions(13). Second, the cooperation contents focused on NURI curriculum which was the center for cooperation in the fifth year were considered according to the development of education and childcare curriculum, and the cooperation contents shared in their websites were analyzed. The cooperative living theme which was most vigorously progressed was 'Our Town', and 'Become a Big Brother' did not make a progress. Finally, satisfactions and demands of directors, teachers, parents and supporting systems of pilot institutions were analyzed. Directors and teachers perceived that operative and teachers' cooperations of NURI Curriculum for 3 to 5-year-olds went along most briskly, and 'the expanded understanding of other institutions' was most improved through Yeong-Cha project. They perceived that the most difficult thing was securing time for teachers' consultation(34.7%), and 'support cooperation budget' for further activation of cooperation was most needed. Parents perceived that 'education and childcare curriculum(582)' was most improved through the cooperation between kindergartens and childcare centers. They understood that the supporting activity of supporting systems which was done the most was 'cooperation activity encouragement of the pilot institutions having jurisdiction(75%)', and the most effective supporting activity was 'common teachers education, NURI Curriculum learning encouragement and providing consulting(35%)'. To propose progress plan for the sixth year based on the above result, it's needed to promote dynamic interaction between pilot institutions and supporting systems, centered on competent local governments. Also, if the level of quality of cooperation improves through consulting, pilot studies centered around the local governments would be naturally settled in the field of child education.
Table Of Contents
요약 Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 유치원과 어린이집 협력 시범연구의 개요와 성과 Ⅲ. 5차년도 시범협력에 대한 요구 Ⅳ. 5차년도 협력에 대한 시범운영 Ⅴ. 5차년도 협력성과 분석 Ⅵ. 향후 추진 방안 참고문헌 Abstract 부록