3-5세 누리과정 이용 및 운영 실태와 내실화 방안

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3-5세 누리과정 이용 및 운영 실태와 내실화 방안
Alternative Title
Operation Status and Substantiality Enhancement Plans of Nuri Curriculum for 3-5 Year Olds
Issued Date
The purpose of this study was to identify current status, issues, and improvement areas of Nuri Curriculum from both sides of institutions managing Nuri Curriculum and parents using those institutions, to analyze the result compared to those of 2012 and 2013, and to propose substantiality enhancement plans for Nuri Curriculum to be fully implemented. Main research method used was a survey research, through which cases of 1,924 parents, 1,500 institution directors, 2,145 teachers in charge of Nuri Curriculum classes were obtained. Research outcomes are as follows. First, parents were satisfied with Nuri Curriculum allowance in overall, and many thought the allowance was helpful to household finances. Second, when looking at the trends of additional expenses paid by parents in 2014 vs. 2013, standard curriculum showed about 3,000won increase per month and special program had about 7,000won increase per month. Also, 31.3% of parents answered that saving from Nuri Curriculum was used for children's private education, number of private education was increased by 0.6 course, and private education expenses were increased by about 36,000won in 2014 vs. 2013, from all of which we judged private education expense increased after Nuri Curriculum had begun. Third, there was a large gap in expenses parents are paying, according to institutions their children were attending. For example, while monthly standard tuition of private kindergarten at average was 108,000won, monthly standard tuition of public kindergarten at average was 19,000won, showing approximately ten times difference. Fourth, Nuri Curriculum allowance at daycare center and kindergarten was mainly used for 'teaching material/teaching aid'(50.1%), followed by labor costs other than teachers. Fifth, Nuri Curriculum-related data, published by the government, was owned by almost all daycares centers and kindergartens, and teachers were using these materials the most for Nuri Curriculum teaching. Sixth, it was found that daily use hours of institutions were about 7.5 hours(parents), daily operation hours of institution were about 11.4 hours(directors), and daily class hours of Nuri Curriculum were about 6.1 hours(teachers). Seventh, more than half of parents, directors, and teachers thought there still existed differences between daycare center and kindergarten. Also, while directors and teachers answered 'teacher's expertise' and 'quality of education and childcare programs' were improved, parents had low satisfaction on these aspects, showing a perception gap. Eighth, as for improvement area for Nuri Curriculum, parents suggested 'clear explanation on uses of Nuri Curriculum allowance(transparency of additionally provided budget)', directors suggested 'expansion of Nuri Curriculum allowance', and teachers suggested 'development and distribution of various activity materials of Nuri Curriculum'. Based on these outcomes, this study proposed mitigating differences in expenses between institutions, standardizing Nuri Curriculum allowance uses, strengthening management and supervising of extra curricular activity program, re-examining after-school support allowance, identifying concept of Nuri Curriculum class hours, detailed explanation for parents on Nuri Curriculum, publishing Nuri Curriculum related data by collaborative work of both government departments, and improving training system for a joint training and cross training between daycare center and kindergarten.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 3~5세 누리과정 개요
Ⅲ. 3~5세 누리과정 이용 실태
Ⅳ. ‘3~5세 누리과정’ 운영 실태: 원장을 중심으로
Ⅴ. ‘3~5세 누리과정’ 운영 실태: 교사를 중심으로
Ⅵ. ‘3~5세 누리과정’ 내실화 방안
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3-5세 누리과정 이용 및 운영 실태와 내실화 방안.pdf Download


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