The purpose of the study is to provide childcare support to increase birthrate by focusing on supportive childcare environment. This study reflects countrywide assessment for childcare environment and consumer satisfaction and needs to suggest policy plans for customized childcare support services. This study defines environment as civil infrastructure supported by childcare policy and examines countrywide childcares support enviornment by emphasizing on physical environments. Professional advisors divided childcare support environment into 6 domains such as Preschool Education and Childcare, (Total)Childcare Services, (Customized)Care Support Services, Cultural Infrastructure, Health and Medical Services, and Safety Management and Security, and examined suitability of each domain’s components and evaluation criteria. Based on evaluation criteria, we looked at childcare environment of each district from 252 municipalities and presented it as a map through GIS(Geographic Information System). Nextly, the upper and lower district were selected based on the size of the district and 1,200 parents of young children were asked about their user satisfaction and policy demands about childcare environment. Also the case of child-friendly city of Korea and the case of Rotterdam city of Netherlands are presented to examine and push for the organizational system and achievement management system of child-friendly city. The overall result of childcare environment evaluation has a large deviation and there were many districts with low supplies. Thus, supply policy plans concerning the size of the disctrict and the ratio of young children need to be considered. The result of parent survey showed high utilization ratio and high levels of satisfaction in Preschool Education and Childcare domain, and due to unused ratio it was difficult to investigate Childcare Services and Care Support Services domain. Except for some of the components in Cultural Infrastructure and Health and Medical Services domains the overall satisfaction was high. The levels of satisfaction was low in Safety Management and Security domain where improvement is needed. Additionally when looking at parent’s demands for improvements on childcare environment, it was apparent that they thought childcare support organizations and services were very insufficient in their districts. They believed the most important thing needed to make the child-friendly environment is the reliable education and childcare center and also believed in the need for improved access to infrastructure. We suggested policy improvement plans about childcare support considering the level of supply and parental satisfaction in each childcare environment district, and also suggested improvement plans that central and locl government can act on for integrated management of childcare services.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 연구의 배경 Ⅲ. 육아지원환경 정책의 국내외 사례 Ⅳ. 전국 지역의 육아지원환경 평가 Ⅴ. 영유아 부모의 육아지원환경 만족도와 요구 Ⅵ. 정책 제언 참고문헌 Abstract 부록