한국아동 성장발달 종단연구 2018(한국아동패널 Ⅱ)

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한국아동 성장발달 종단연구 2018(한국아동패널 Ⅱ)
Alternative Title
The Longitudinal Study of Growth and Development on Korean Children 2018
(Panel Study on Korean Children Ⅱ)
Panel studyLongitudinal Studyopen data
Issued Date
The Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC) provides longitudinal and cross-sectional data to enrich the related fields and to serve as the resources for establishing and improving child care policies. The Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC) also aims to open panel data to meet the government 's strategy of opening public data and to expand the number of users. We also analyze the major variables from 2008 to 2018 and discuss the academic and policy implications of this study later on.
The 11th year wave of PSKC consisted of annual study, open data of PSKC and conference. And Annual child survey, parent interviews and questionnaires, and a web-based questionnaire for teacher of the child is conducted. There were 1,434 panel families participating in the 11th year survey with retention rate of 66.7%. Based on the data collected for the past ten years, technical analysis was done in three categories; the characteristics of child development, parenting and household, child care services, local community and child care policies.
First, children’s mean score of self-esteem was 3.47, perception of general happiness 3.32, and pro-school attitude 3.29 out of 5. The average hour of watching TV, computer, and smart phone was 0.95 hour on weekdays and 2.24 hour on weekend.
Second, 89.3% of household panels were nuclear families consist of parents and children with average income of 5,510,000won per month; additionally, most of the children were enrolled in public elementary schools, 94.1% were using private after-school programs such as Hakwon(learning academies).
Third, the accessibility of medical institutions was convenient in the area, and the leisure area recognized that the library had good access to playgrounds, walkways, and cultural facilities. The safety of the parenting environment in the residential area was also recognized to be safe from harmful facilities, and regular patrol of police and crime prevention officers.
According to the implications from the results of the investigation, we suggested several issues for policies related to improving the quality of life and development of children, assisting parents in maintaining work-life balanc, strengthening care services, creating a nurturing friendly environment for the community, need to establish national DB for longitudinal research.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 2018년(11차년도) 사업보고
Ⅲ. 2017(10차년도) 일반조사 결과 분석
Ⅳ. 1-10차년도 주변요인 추이 분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 정책적 시사점
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