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Showing results 481 to 500 of 2921

Issue Paper Issue Date2017-08-11 Citation이윤진. (2017-08-11). BSC 모델 지표로 본 누리과정 정책 평가. 이슈페이퍼 2017-11 169-185.


Report Issue Date2008-12-31 Citation서문희. (2008-12-31). BTL방식의 보육시설 설치 방안 연구. 수탁보고 2008-03 1-158.

서문희 김은설 박수연 et al

Periodical Issue Date2021-12-29 Citation이윤진. (2021-12-29). Characteristics of North Korean Defectors and Their Families Living in South Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 21 1-4.


Periodical Issue Date2024-12-26 Citation이재희. (2024-12-26). Childcare and Education Support Infrastructure Trend and the Responsive Policy in the Era of Low Fertility In Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 30, 1–6.


Periodical Issue Date2019-12-30 CitationKang, Eun Jin. (2019-12-30). Childcare Center Survey 2018. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 15, 1–5.

Kang, Eun Jin

Periodical Issue Date2014-06-20 CitationYoon Kyung Choi. (2014-06-20). Childrearing Prices Modulate Parents’ Perception on the Cost of Raising a Child. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 3 1-5.

Yoon Kyung Choi

Periodical Issue Date2018-12-31 CitationLee, Jaehee. (2018-12-31). Dual Labor Markets and Low Fertility in Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 12 1-4.

Lee, Jaehee

Other Issue Date2010 Citation서문희. (2010). Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Korea. 연구자료 2010-02, 1–80.

서문희 김은설

Report Issue Date2013-12-20 Citation권미경. (2013-12-20). EBS 유아교육 콘텐츠의 구성과 활용방안 연구. 연구보고(EBS) 2013-07, 1–156.

권미경 김정숙 김혜진 et al

Conference Paper Issue Date2013-12-18 CitationEBS. (2013-12-18). EBS-KICCE 공동세미나: 누리과정 지원을 위한 EBS의 역할. 세미나자료 2013-12 1-97.

EBS 육아정책연구소

Periodical Issue Date2022-12-08 Citation박창현. (2022-12-08). ECEC Digital Policy in Korea: Opportunities and Challenges. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 25, 1–5.


Periodical Issue Date2015-11-30 CitationJinah Park. (2015-11-30). ECEC Statistics of Korea(II): Workforce and Quality Monitoring. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 6 1-5.

Jinah Park

Periodical Issue Date2015-09-30 CitationJinah Park. (2015-09-30). ECEC Statistics of Korea: Access to Services, Participation and Financial Resources. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 5 1-5.

Jinah Park

Periodical Issue Date2023-12-31 Citation배윤진. (2023-12-31). ECEC Statistics of KOREA: Recent trends of Services, Enrollment, and Workforce. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 28, 1–7.


Periodical Issue Date2018-11-30 CitationJinah Park. (2018-11-30). ECEC Statistics of Korea: Services, Enrollment and Workforce. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 10 1-5.

Jinah Park

Periodical Issue Date2021-12-31 Citation김동훈. (2021-12-31). ECEC Statistics of Korea: Services, Enrollment, Workforce, and Financial Resources. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 22 1-6.


Report Issue Date2017-12-31 Citation최윤경. (2017-12-31). ECEC 질 제고를 위한 교원실태조사. 서울교육 2018-28 1-96.

최윤경 최은영 박진아 et al

Periodical Issue Date2013-09-10 CitationJeongwon Lee. (2013-09-10). In-home Childcare Support Service, The New Bridge between Work and Family Life. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 1 1-5.

Jeongwon Lee

Periodical Issue Date2017-12-31 CitationWonsoon Park. (2017-12-31). [Issue 9] Integrated Evaluation Scale for Kindergarten and Childcare Center (IESKCC). KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 9 1-5.

Wonsoon Park

Periodical Issue Date2015-12-31 CitationStrategy Planning Center. (2015-12-31). Integration of ECEC in Korea: Current Status and Future Directions. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 7 1-4.

Strategy Planning Center

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