연구형 어린이집 기능강화 사업

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연구형 어린이집 기능강화 사업
Alternative Title
A Pilot Study of Public Day Care Center Management and Implementation
Issued Date

l The purpose of this study was to rectify the policy and improve the standards for public day care center through a pilot management and implementation of public research day care center at the Sejong city.


l Literature review on public day care center management and implementation.

l Pilot management and implementation of public research day care center at the Sejong city.

l FGI of 4 directors who had experienced opening the public day care center.

l In-depth interview of 9 public day care center directors and teachers at the Sejong city.


l Support Program of Public Day Care Center Management and Implementation

- In order to improve the public day care center management and implementation, the operation and support meeting was held by the task force(TF) of ‘strengthening function of research day care center’ with the relevant authorities and the KICCE.

- The ‘interview of public day care staffs(directors, teachers, and cooks)’ was conducted to investigate the public day care center management and implementation.

- For the capacity-building of day care staffs, the ‘day care program’ and ‘guidelines for managing the problem behaviors of young children vol. 1, 2, 3’ were distributed to the public day care centers.

- The parent education programs were implemented to develop parent’s profession on childcare and make a link between a public day care center and family.

l Improvement Plan for Public Day Care Center Management and Implementation

- There was no support for a period of opening a day care center. Moreover, ordering organization and constructor were lack of profession on building day care center facilities and the selection period of client should be adjusted.

- The in-depth interviews of director and teachers of the public day care center at the Sejong city for a period of opening to the one year of pilot management were conducted by the following categories: day care staffs, management of facilities, equipment, and space, recruitment of children, class organization, management health /nutrition/sanitation/safety, financial management, operation of childcare curriculum, and building a link with family and local community.


l Create an institute under the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which will be in charge of constructing the public day care centers.

l Make a task force team with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Childcare, Korea Childcare Promotion Institute, and Korea Institute of Child Care and Education for supporting the public day care center construction. In addition, this TF team will support the 17 local government teams.

l Make a consulting team with 3 experts on childcare programs at the central support center for childcare in order to support the opening of public day care center.

l Develop the manual for opening the public child care center.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 연구형 어린이집 기능강화사업 개요 1
1. 연구형 어린이집 개원 추진과정 1
2. 연구형 어린이집 기능강화 사업 추진과정 3
Ⅱ. 연구형 어린이집 기능강화사업 추진 실적 5
1. 관찰 및 연구를 위한 환경 및 기능 개선 5
2. 연구형 어린이집 상담 지원을 위한 환경 기능 개선 18
Ⅲ. 연구형 어린이집 기능강화사업 활용 내용 21
1. 영유아 지원 21
2. 부모 지원 28
3. 어린이집 운영지원 30
Ⅳ. 사업추진 성과분석 37
1. 영유아 발달 및 상호작용 검사 만족도 조사결과 37
2. 부모교육 만족도 조사결과 39
부록 45
부록 1. 영유아발달검사 진단 및 상담 프로그램 만족도 조사 설문지 47
부록 2. 부모교육 만족도 조사 설문지 49
부록 3. 어린이집 시설·설비 관련 기준 50
부록 4. 해외 시설설비 관련 지표 59
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > 5. 수탁연구보고서
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[수탁보고 2014-04] 연구형 어린이집 기능강화 사업.pdf Download


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