어린이집과 유치원 장애위험 영유아 조기발견 및 발달지원 종합 대책 방안(Ⅲ): 장애위험 영유아선별도구 표준화 및 지원모델 개발

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어린이집과 유치원 장애위험 영유아 조기발견 및 발달지원 종합 대책 방안(Ⅲ): 장애위험 영유아선별도구 표준화 및 지원모델 개발
Alternative Title
Comprehensive Measure for Early Screening and Support for Children At Risk for Developmental Disabilities in Early Childhood Education and Care (Ⅲ)
Children at riskKorean Screening Index for Early DevelopmentTeacher support guideParents support guideECECInfant and young children
Issued Date
This study is a four-year collaborative project (2022–2026) aimed at developing comprehensive measures to support the developmental needs of young children at risk of developmental delays in daycare centers and kindergartens. The research was conducted in collaboration with the Korean Association of Child Studies and the Seoul Childcare Support Center. The focus of the third-year research (2024) is to conduct a nationwide standardization of the Korean Screening Inventory for Early Childhood Development (K-SIED), developed in the first and second years for teachers (K-SIED:T) and parents (K-SIED:P). Based on this standardization, the study seeks to enhance the capacity of teachers and parents by developing instructional manuals. Additionally, the research aims to establish a support system for identifying young children at risk of developmental delays and to propose a collaborative service delivery model through a pilot program involving community resources.
To achieve these objectives, the study involved collaborative research, literature reviews, expert advisory meetings, policy workshops, and the hosting of the Early Childhood Education Forum. The K-SIED consists of tools for teachers (366 items for ages 12–17 months to 5 years) and parents (374 items, including additional questions for screening developmental risks). Items were selected based on response accuracy, correlation significance, expert revisions, and content validity.
For the standardization process, responses from teachers and parents of 4,200 children aged 12 months to 5 years were collected nationwide. Criterion validity was assessed through the K-DST and Bayley Scales, while test-retest reliability and discriminant validity (using registered children with disabilities) were also examined. These results were used to develop age-specific and domain-specific norms for the teacher and parent tools, along with instructional manuals.
Furthermore, the study designed a "Learning Mate" program to support young children’s development. Using the screening tools, groups were formed, and tailored developmental support plans were devised collaboratively by parents and teachers. Training programs based on the Learning Mate curriculum were also implemented and incorporated into resources for kindergarten teachers and parents through the Early Childhood Education Promotion Institute.
The study outcomes include the standardization of the K-SIED and the creation of its instructional manuals. It also proposes a cooperative framework for developmental support, the deployment and utilization of specialized personnel for early childhood development, and policy recommendations for the Ministry of Education’s proposed Psychological and Emotional Support Program for Young Children.
Table Of Contents
요약 1

Ⅰ. 서론 11
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 13
2. 연구 내용: 3차년도 16
3. 연구 방법 18
4. 용어 정의 및 연구의 범위 22

Ⅱ. 연구의 배경 25
1. 국내 장애위험 영유아 현황 27
2. 국내 장애위험 영유아 발달지원 전달체계 29
3. 발달지연 및 정서․심리지원 사례: 충청북도, 대구광역시, 서울특별시교육청 및 육아종합지원센터를 중심으로 46
4. 교육부의 아동대상 유사사업 지원체계의 시사점 62
5. 1, 2차년도 영유아발달체크도구(K․SIED) 및 지원체계 요약 77

Ⅲ. 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED) 표준화 93
1. 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED) 문항 구성 96
2. K-SIED 표준화 검사 실시 118
3. K-SIED 표준화 검사 결과: 문항 분석 127
4. K-SIED 표준화 검사 결과: 신뢰도 131
5. K-SIED 표준화 검사 결과: 타당도 140
6. K-SIED 규준 제작 159
7. K-SIED 사용안내서 165

Ⅳ. 영유아 발달지원 모델(안) 개발 167
1. ‘영유아 발달지원을 위한 러닝메이트 프로그램’ 구성 169
2. 영유아 발달지원을 위한 러닝메이트 프로그램 시범 적용 173
3. 영유아 발달지원을 위한 러닝메이트 프로그램 시범 적용 결과 180
4. 영유아 발달지원을 위한 러닝메이트 프로그램 수정 189
5. ‘영유아 발달지원을 위한 러닝메이트 프로그램’ 서울특별시교육청유아교육진흥원 적용 사례 193

Ⅴ. 정책 제언 197
1. K-SIED 표준화 결과 활용 및 성과 확산 199
2. 모든 영유아의 발달지원을 위한 협력체계 구축 204
3. 영유아 발달지원 전문인력 배치 및 활용 방안 210
4. (가칭)영․유아학교 정서․심리 지원 시범사업의 내실화 211
5. 4차년도 연구를 위한 계획 213

참고문헌 215
Abstract 221
부록 223
1. 아동 장애위험 및 발달지연 조기선별 거버넌스와 전달체계 223
2. 교사용 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED:T)와 부모용 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED:P) 공통 문항 227
3. 교사용 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED:T)(연령집단별) 240
4. 부모용 영유아발달체크도구(K-SIED:P)(연령집단별) 253
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