The study aimed to develop the child assessment scale for the Nuri curriculum 3-and 4-year-olds. The curriculum sets goals, contents, and standards across 5 domains comprising physical activities and health, communication, social relationships, art experiences, and nature. The effectiveness of the curriculum was assessed based on the children's performance in the context of the broad range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that children are thought to gain through the Nuri curriculum. The 3-year-olds measure contained 63 items and 4-year-olds measure was 67 items. In Seoul in kindergarten, daycare centers 3 and 4-year-old teacher 94 who conducted preliminary investigation to verify the validity and reliability. Preliminary findings, All items of the Pearson coefficient values were 0.48 to 0.78 as statistically significant. And all items the value of the Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.83 to 0.93. The result is significantly the reliability and validity. So, 3- and 4-year-olds measurement was gives to 1016 teachers who implemented the curriculum in childcare centers and Kindergartens. Overall, the findings supported that the child assessment can be used as a reliable and valid measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum for 3-and 4-year-olds.
Table Of Contents
요약 Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 Ⅲ. 「3, 4세 누리과정 유아관찰척도」개발 Ⅳ. 「3, 4세 누리과정 유아관찰척도 예비조사 분석 Ⅴ.「3, 4세 누리과정 유아관찰척도」 본 조사 분석 Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 참고문헌 Abstract 부록