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Showing results 619 to 638 of 2921

Report Issue Date2017-02-28 Citation최윤경. (2017-02-28). Starting Strong 4: 영유아 교육·보육 질 모니터링. 1-301.

최윤경 문무경 김길숙 et al

Periodical Issue Date2021-12-09 Citation김은영. (2021-12-09). Support of Government and Local Delivery Systems for the Implementation of 「the 2019 Revised Nuri Curriculum」. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 20 1-4.


Conference Paper Issue Date2018-05-14 Citation육아정책연구소. (2018-05-14). The 1st KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Social Welfare Policy for Disadvantaged Young Children in China and Korea. 세미나자료 2018-03 1-51.


Conference Paper Issue Date2018-11-06 Citation육아정책연구소. (2018-11-06). The 2nd KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: An Analysis of Low Fertility Issues and Strategies in East Asia Countries: South Korea, China, and Japan. 세미나자료 2018-08 1-60.


Conference Paper Issue Date2019-06-17 Citation육아정책연구소. (2019-06-17). The 3rd KICCE East Asia Policy Seminar: Status and Tasks of Child Care Policy in Japan. 세미나자료 2019-06 1-54.


Conference Paper Issue Date2016-11-24 Citation육아정책연구소. (2016-11-24). The 7th International Conference of Panel Study on Korean Children: Global Approach to Longitudinal Study on Child Development. 1-442.


Periodical Issue Date2022-11-30 Citation박은정. (20221130). The Change in the Cash Benefit System for Families with Infants according to the Introduction of Parental Benefits in Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 24, 1–4.


Periodical Issue Date2024-12-09 Citation김자연. (2024-12-09). The Current Status and Perspectives on Infant Abuse in South Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 29, 1–6.


Report Issue Date2018-08-31 CitationSharon Lynn Kagan. (2018-08-31). The Early Advantage 1—Early Childhood Systems That Lead by Example. 1-264.

Sharon Lynn Kagan

Periodical Issue Date2023-12-05 Citation김은설. (2023-12-05). The integration policy of ECC and ECE in Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 27, 1–4.


Periodical Issue Date2018-12-15 CitationJeong Rim Lee. (2018-12-15). The Two Korean National Plans on Child Birth and Childcare. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 11 1-4.

Jeong Rim Lee

Periodical Issue Date2020-11-30 CitationEunseol Kim. (2020-11-30). Transition and Outlook of ECEC in South Korea. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 16 1-4.

Eunseol Kim

Conference Paper Issue Date2019-05-10 Citation육아정책연구소. (2019-05-10). UN SDG4.2 연합학술대회: 모든 영유아를 위한 양질의 교육·보육. 1-164.

육아정책연구소 유네스코한국위원회 한국아동학회 et al

Report Issue Date2019-11-30 Citation도남희. (2019-11-30). UN 지속가능발전 목표에 따른 ‘아이행복사회’지표 개발 및 정책 활용 방안. 연구보고 2019-08 1-183.

도남희 이재희 예한나

Periodical Issue Date2019-12-19 CitationEunyoung Kim. (2019-12-19). Understanding the 2019 Revised Nuri Curriculum. KICCE Policy Brief, Issue 14 1-5.

Eunyoung Kim

Conference Paper Issue Date2015-05-18 Citation육아정책연구소. (2015-05-18). World Education Forum 2015: The Nuri Curriculum: Accomplishments and Prospects for ECCE in Korea. 1-70.

육아정책연구소 교육부 World Education Forum 2015

Issue Paper Issue Date2007-12 Citation서문희. (2007-12-00). 가격규제 예외시설(자율화 시설)의 도입. 이슈페이퍼 2007-14 1-6.


Issue Paper Issue Date2014-08-11 Citation이윤진. (2014-08-11). 가구소득 격차에 따른 영유아의 문화시설 이용 실태 및 지원방안. 이슈페이퍼 2014-17 1-22.


Periodical Issue Date2016-12-31 Citation손세희. (2016-12-31). 가구소득이 부모의 양육 스트레스에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과 검증과 부모 간 다집단 분석. 육아정책연구, 10권 3호 117-141.

손세희 한창근

Report Issue Date2010-12-31 Citation이윤진. (2010-12-31). 가구유형별 육아지원 요구와 정책방안 연구: 맞벌이 및 한부모 가구를 중심으로. 연구보고 2010-03 1-189.

이윤진 이정원 김문정 et al

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